Player Waiver
Participation at The Desh involves physical activity. As devoted as we are to your safety, like other physical activities (such as roller-skating, skiing), your safety is, in large part, dependent on your attitude and willingness to follow the posted rules.
By digitally accepting this agreement you understand this is between “you” (the player and your affiliates) and “us” (Desh Holdings LLC, its owners, employees, builders, manufacturers, designers). You wish to participate in adventures at Desh Gaming now and in the future. You agree that whenever you are at Desh Gaming:
1. Code of Conduct.
You will play at Desh Gaming according to the posted rules or instructions given by staff members. You accept responsibility for damages you cause at Desh Gaming. You will report any injury before leaving.
2. Risk of participation.
You understand that participation involves physical activity that could result in injury. Some risks include contact with other players or walls in the Arena. You assume all risks of injury. The Arena is supervised, but portions of the Arena are not supervised continuously.
3. Waiver.
You release us from any liability for losses that may arise out of your participation at Desh Gaming.
4. Use of images.
You grant us the right to use any photos and/or other digital reproductions taken of the participant solely for publicity purposes including print or Desh Gaming websites.
5. Medical and Physical Problems.
Participation takes place in a darkened, carpeted, padded Arena with concrete floors. Certain medical conditions including asthma, epilepsy and seizure disorders can be exacerbated or triggered by any activities on premises and all appropriate care should be taken by participants. Players with other medical conditions will inform Desh Gaming managers prior to purchasing games or game time.
6. Indemnity Agreement.
You will indemnify and defend us from any claims, liability, damages or suits made by anyone arising out of your activity and/or conduct at Desh Gaming , (including all fees thereby incurred by us). You have read and understand this agreement and waiver. If you are under 18yrs old, you have discussed the contents of the document with your parent or guardian and have their consent to this digital agreement and to participate in this activity